This Awesome Rihanna Parody Video Wants You to Sign Up for Obamacare

RiRi may 'Pour It Up,' but comedian Franchesca Ramsey wants you to 'Sign It Up'
Mar 12, 2014·
Culture and education editor Liz Dwyer has written about race, parenting, and social justice for several national publications. She was previously education editor at Good.

With Obamacare's March 31 deadline to sign up for health insurance, millions more Americans need to get coverage or face stiff penalties. But let's face it, doom and gloom "if you don't sign up" political speeches aren't exactly inspiring.

That's where New York City–based graphic designer and comedian Franchesca Ramsey comes in. If "Sign It Up," her parody of Rihanna's hit track "Pour It Up," can't get 18- to 35-year-olds to enroll, nothing can.

In the video, Ramsey perfectly mimics Rihanna's make-it-rain antics, except instead of cash flying around, plenty of health care–related benefits—from medicine and birth control to paid doctor's bills—can be found. As Ramsey sings, she cleverly steers viewers to "—that's where I hang out."

Ramsey was an attendee at last November's White House Youth Summit on the Affordable Care Act. There, she and other participants brainstormed ways to get the word out, but inspiration really struck when she got home. "No one asked me to make the video," says Ramsey, "but I was super-inspired after the summit and knew I wanted to do something to help."

Her effort seems to be paying off. Several viewers have gotten in touch to "say that the video reminded them to sign up since the deadline is approaching," says Ramsey.