TakePart World and Global Citizen Present 'Water and Sanitation'

More people have access to a mobile phone than to a toilet.
Nov 18, 2015·
Adriana Zyskowski is the editor of TakePart World.

The numbers are staggering: 750 million people do not have access to clean water, and one-third of the world’s population lacks access to adequate sanitation. Habits such as hand washing are not common practice, and 1 billion people defecate in the open. If communities don’t have the proper education or access to hygiene, waste can contaminate their food and water. As a result, a child dies every 90 seconds, and more than 840,000 people die each year from water-related illnesses.

We can change this. Social enterprises can facilitate sustainable solutions, local leaders can start the conversation on healthy habits, and citizens everywhere can demand that we prioritize human health and welfare.