Meet—and Vote for—Our 2016 Re-Visionaries

Presented byPresented by Kia
Mar 7, 2016·
Tosten Burks is a contributor for Passion of the Weiss. He has written for The Fader, GOOD, Grantland, and VICE.

As part of TakePart’s “Re-Visionaries” series, we are highlighting people who are shaking things up—and making a difference—in their field and community. It’s up to you to decide which of the 10 entrepreneurs highlighted below should receive a $5,000 grand prize, in addition to the $500 we’re giving each finalist to help accelerate his or her cause. You can vote once a day from March 8 to 22.

This year’s candidates:

Abby McCreath, who runs Groove With Me, a performance studio that helps at-risk girls learn to express themselves through dance

Ann Wang, whose online marketplace Enrou connects brands and consumers with socially responsible products crafted by artists in the developing world

Dana Frasz, whose organization Food Shift is working to get unused food to people in need

Dolce Wang, whose Vox Photo Project gives kids in rural villages cameras and technology to express themselves

Eddie Lee, who started Hypercube, a meet-up group that brings together technology buffs turned artists

Naomi Hirabayashi, whose SMS app Shine Text sends daily affirmations and mental health tips to emotionally support women and others in the workplace

Patrick Shearn, whose art collective, Poetic Kinetics, uses art to stop climate change

Rebecca Pontius, whose Do Good Bus connects aspiring volunteers with local causes

Shirley Ford, whose community-organizing work for Parent Revolution helps empower families to control their own schools

Steph Speirs, whose Solstice Initiative works to give people access to solar energy

